Monday, March 22, 2010

bring on summer

With warmer weather and sunny days entering the picture more these days, I cannot wait for more opportunities to take the boys out. The weather was gorgeous this weekend and the boys made the first of many trips to the playground. They so far have experienced the swings, and they both loved it. Joshua seemed to enjoy it more, but I think that's just because he's such a smiley and happy boy.

I've also enjoyed getting out at lunch time again, as we tend to take the boys out in the jogging stroller for a quick spin around the development. It's raining today, so the walk and the playground had to wait for another day.

Monday, February 8, 2010

when life takes precedent

I find it intriguing that in less than a week, on Valentine's Day, Joshua and Brayden will officially be 8 months old. Where does the time go? They sit up, roll around, talk in baby babble, make meaningful eye contact, and are all around the most adorable little boys ever. Sure, maybe I'm exaggerating, but I'm their dad, it's my job.

Maybe one day I'll get back to working on this little homebrew project of a website. That might be a day when I'm not balancing so many things: busy schedule at work, lots of involvement with church, enjoying quality time with my family, and being sick. I'd say I'm ready for some warm weather and sunshine, but I've only been skiing once this year and that just doesn't seem like enough.